Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (turn and face the strain) Ch-ch-changes Oh, look out you rock n rollers Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (turn and face the strain) Ch-ch-changes Pretty soon now you're gonna get a little older Time may change me But I can't trace time I said that time may change me But I can't trace time. I'm in a bit of a ranting mood yet again. It feels like a secret that is kept by everyone as they get older... a club that you only get to by aging, in person. No knock at a green door, secret password or magic key - you just have to arrive on your own power, at your own time. I keep blaming this experience on being smober and sober but I have a sneaking suspicion that it was about to pistol whip me in any case. I just decided to lump a bunch of earth shattering, life tipping experiences all in the span of a year or two rather than sanely spread them out a bit. Sure, no problem, menopause, career change, and stop drinking and smoking, why not!? Jolly good! I guess better to rip that band aid off, right? Get it over with. Alrighty then! I'm casting around for an owner's manual of sorts. I'd like one, at least for this physical body of mine. I get that each person's experiences are unique and I've taken a particularly odd path, but everyone gets old and the same basic things happen. I went to my OBGYN this past fall and the woman spoke in fucking whispers... like it's a secret. I wouldn't make this up. Apparently my pussy is destined for dryness, but there's a pill or potion for that. WTF!? They have a test now to see if you're still fertile and I guess you can take estrogen for the hot flashes. No thank you, very much man made hormones scare the piss out of me. What else is bound to go south? Sagging - literally going south!... for sure... trouble getting up and down the stairs or off the floor. Shit! Sorry this is a selfish, spoiled-childish, pity party for one. It doesn't change a damn thing. All there is to do it deal with it, make the best of it, move on. If I want information I'm sure it's available, I just need to Google properly. I just did, by the way, and YEP, plenty of info, too much, actually! The thing is I'm was just working up to taking care of the body I had now it seems I've got a new - "improved" version! "Grateful, am I, to be above ground," as my Grandfather used to say each morning. "Getting old ain't for sissies," as Grandma Kay would quip. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Fibber McGee's closet!