![]() I'm getting a bit more serious about writing a book. I've listened to some Hay House videos and checked out Balboa Press a bit. Anyhow, the subject of the book is in question... by me the author/writer (cool distinction there in the videos... authors are not always good writers and vice versa...). Anyhow one of my possible topics is Alinement (yes that's how I choose to spell it). By way of research I bought the book Divine Alignment (written and recorded by Squire Rushnell, great, expressive and fun voice!) via Audibles and I've been listening to it. A tad religious for my taste but interesting anyway (of course). He introduces, so far, two terms I find thought provoking... God as the Navigator, an internal GPS system so to speak that's always present and available for guidance... witty analogy. He also coined the term "Godwink" defined as An event or personal experience, often identified as coincidence, so astonishing that it could only have come from divine origin. I encounter these all the time and so far just called them "non-coincidence" or answers to prayers, not prayed. A recent example was running into Lauren O. at Starbucks Sunday 2/14. I needed to take some action regarding a CPA and I'd been procrastinating. I needed to let JR / RAND Accounting go (they're spendy and in CA) and I'd changed my mind about another local firm I'd thought I wanted... it's complicated, I needed a new CPA, bottom line. There she was just as I was about to walk out to go to a meeting. Godwink, I notice that *Squire Rushnell has that term trademarked so I'll call it a godnod...my definition is also a bit different. It's a nod from myself, my inner knowing, my flow, my own personal higher power, my internal creator. So, perhaps, my-nod although I still like god-nod, HP HF - Higher Power High Five... would work. Don't get me started... (OH, Yes, do, do get me started!) How about an AI - Angel Intervention, I guess that's a little different? How fun, I've often considered tracking the number of these events along with a brief description. It would be easier if I had a name for it. Ideas: Mynod Godsign Godnod FlashMoment HPHF - Higher Power High Five Godwave AI - Angle Intervention FlowSign Hey, here's a peachy thought... I don't have to choose! I can use AI to track my angle specific requests being answered i.e. parking spaces when I request... Mynod for things I've been thinking of but did or didn't specifically ask for i.e. Lauren, CPA. HPHF for over the top, crazy, superior events that I had turned over to Creator, not really ever expected would happen in a million years or events unimagined, didn't even see coming at all, i.e. Chris getting sober. I'll probably figure out they're really all the same, but in the meantime, it will be fun to track. Comments are closed.
February 2025
Fibber McGee's closet!