I don't think my immediate family has a very good rating on the growing up index. I suppose I should just speak for myself. I just noticed, while reflecting on my own maturity level lately, the examples I have available, like parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. And regarding the state of my siblings; none of us have taken the stereotypical path: college, career, marriage, kids, buy a house... (except for Kevin, go Kev! He had different parents growing up, though, it IS an environmental/nurture thing). I asked my Mother who she considers a family mentor regarding excellent self care (a sure sign of maturity in my book) and she responded "You!" OK, that's just outrageously horrifying, extraordinarily creepy and chilling, shit! I find it so curious that every time I begin a topic it immediately gets complicated. It occurs to me that growing up, like everything else, is subjective and open to interpretation. Oh God... so all I have to go on is my own impression. A few qualities of a mature adult may include: awareness & thoughtful participation in government, approaching all situations with some level of distance & wisdom, a transparent handle on personal/self care like eating and exercise... just a few to start. Now that I type it out it sound a bit unrealistic. No surprise there I guess. I've been cooped up for the last three days detoxing. No complaints, it sucks, but there is progress and the process promises clearer thinking, in addition to other significant health/physical benefits. The book I chose to pursue ultimately... the Blood Sugar something, something 10 Day Detox something*... talks a lot about food addiction. Sugar is WAY more addictive than heroin or cocaine apparently. (I'm not going to fact check that one, I want to just hang with it for awhile or a while ;-). I'm not a "bad person" for being addicted, it's a biological affair. I will be FREE shortly and I do feel a difference after just a couple of days. At any rate, more to come on the "growing up" proposition and my deranged detoxing mind... Post Script *The Blood Sugar Solution 10 Day Detox Diet by Dr. Mark Hyman. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Fibber McGee's closet!