As you may (or may not) know I've been in a world of hurt for 7+ weeks. Severe muscle and joint pain that started in the evening, was gone by morning and moved around... left arm, right foot, then middle finger, left knee... etc. sounds crazy but it was/is horrible and debilitating. After umpteen doctor visits and blood tests I finally have a plan...
Part of my treatment plan is to follow the "diet" described in this online article and the entire process of Elimination and Reintroduction.- I'm on the 90 day plus plan. The good news is while on the discovery journey... like WTF is wrong with me???? I discovered I'm otherwise VERY healthy. No issues with: blood pressure, bone density, Lyme, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, COVID, cholesterol, liver, kidney, gallbladder, thyroid, fibromyalgia or any autoimmune disorders... (I could write a rap song!) I did test positive for EBV - Epstein Barr Virus better known as Mono, my B12 was a tad low, my Cortisol levels irregular and my SED Rate... overall body inflammation was a bit high. My PCP's hands were tied. There are no "approved" non-controversial treatment plans for "chronic EBV." Thank goodness for a dear friend who recommended an alternative local doctor, Dr. Bova's Health & Wellness. I was grateful to find this website which explains the AIP plan so thoroughly and scientifically. I'm copying all of you so that you know what's up, without me trying to explain it... vaguely and inaccurately. Some of you may also benefit from knowing there are solutions to very strange, random and painful symptoms (EBV may also manifest as migraines, chronic sinus infections, low back pain, etc, etc....) other than medications, invasive treatments, surgery or just plain putting up with it and suffering! I appreciate your understanding and support as I've traveled and continue along this long and sometimes very grumpy, nasty, painful journey. I look forward to re-joining the land of the sociable, vibrant and kind soon! Live Long & Prosper, Comments are closed.
January 2025
Fibber McGee's closet!