I can recall so many religious quotes warning against pride... I can remember refrences thrown around during my college days at Thomas Aquinas. "The worst of these is Pride..." Let's see, what can I find online, Oh my! The mother of all: Pride is called the "birth mother" of all the deadly sins. Pride is the worst of sins because it involves a full-scale inversion of reality. If sanity is an ordering of one's life in harmony with reality... The father of all: Pride is rightly considered to be "the father of all sin ," and the word children is used in the sense "of showing the characteristics of" or "that which is descended from." The Bible uses "sons of Belial" in a similar way. They were not literally children of Satan, but they showed the same characteristics of Satan. David Hawkins: They have been earned and have a realistic foundation. Pride as a spiritual defect refers to pridefulness as an attitude and a positionality. It is an arrogance that can apply to beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and the general attitude of being better than others. This is an over evaluation of self-worth and is commonly referred to as egotism. As a Position in the levels of Consciousness: Pride – The first level where you start to feel good, but it’s a false feeling. It’s dependent on external circumstances (money, prestige, etc), so it’s vulnerable. Pride can lead to nationalism, racism, and religious wars. Think Nazis. A state of irrational denial and defensiveness. Religious fundamentalism is also stuck at this level. You become so closely enmeshed in your beliefs that you see an attack on your beliefs as an attack on you. I had my final session with April regarding meditations to release the lower frequencies of emotion... Comments are closed.
November 2024
Fibber McGee's closet!