The meeting this morning was a Tradition meeting. The founders of AA left behind 12 Steps for individual guidance and 12 Traditions for use in guiding the overall organization of AA, or non-organization. A different Tradition is reviewed each month since there are twelve months and twelve Traditions. This month, the 12th Tradition is: "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities." In my mind I'm debating whether or not to discuss this stuff in my public blog... will I turn off non AA folks? Should I care? Do I care? (a little harsh but true...) Really!? Hopefully people can and will be open minded and curious. Any which way... onward! The topic has many facets which also apply to the publicizing or NOT of this blog... According to the 12 and 12 book this tradition had its original roots in fear... fear of judgement and discovery by peers and bosses and so forth then the fear moved to fear of overwhelm as the organization and the demand grew no individuals felt they could shoulder the burden of the onslaught of interest in the program so anonymity was handy. Finally as AA "show offs" emerged and threatened the reputation of the whole the focus of anonymity is now rooted in the value of humility... check yourself, what are you gaining by telling or not telling anyone that you are a member of AA? Remember principles before personality. I guess I'm breaking the code right now? Not sure... I'm speaking for myself about myself. I don't mind if people know and that's my business. Someone who shared this morning, Charlie, brought up a very valid point (that had been bothering me all along even though I couldn't really put my finger on it until now). He said his last name when he introduced himself which is not normal. Most people say their first name and last initial. He said his grand sponsor who was sober in 1945 and knew the founders stressed that anonymity was for outside the group. There's no reason to hide our names from other members. We need to know each other in order to provide help or find someone, etc. HELLO!! Excellent!! I totally agree! It makes so much more sense than pussy footing around our own names among each other. I'm adopting this interpretation as of today. Next area where this particular topic is very appropriate at the moment... I met with Chuck V... last night and he recorded my voice reading all the poetry that's currently posted along with numerous other poems I plan to post soon. My vision is to provide a link with the spoken word for each poem. He loved the poetry and encouraged me to immediately post this site to all social networks. This reminded me that I am afraid to do this and while I was recording my own poetry which admonishes everyone to take a chance and be FEARLESS... I realized I have to do it. Soon! With my name change pending, I need to share it now while the names are associated... =) Interesting how all roads are leading to my own personal loss of anonymity on a huge scale. I say I'm fine with it... I guess time will tell!!! |
Laurie Anne McCauleyDid that make you feel better? Intro
I decided back in November 2015 to make my poetry available and journal online. I'm not exactly sure what "blogging" means but I am quite sure this is an online journal. Feel free to read on with an aire of open minded curiosity. At no time do I intend to offend, judge or pretend to know anything really, I'm just an observer and explorer, as we all are. Feel free to "boldly go" through my observations and perhaps it will spark or inspire. Comments are off because I don't want to be worried about political correctness when I'm writing. I'm not thinking about "you." I'm just writing because it feels "right". Feel free to enjoy or surf on. LA McCauley Archives
September 2023
Fibber McGee's closet!