I am grinning ear to ear this morning. I took a moment to consider why that is: 1. Proves that all the statisticians and polls are inaccurate. 2. The fact that the PEOPLE chose him, not the parties and the press! 3. Supports a healthy and passionate conversation rather than the same old apathy. Inspires involvement! 4. Provides hope for a change in business as usual. 5. I'll take any red blooded American who is beholden to NO ONE financially.... 6. I'm optimistic that he will actually get some things accomplished! 7. The ballsy, unapologetic, common sense, responsible people WE are is now represented!Long story short... I'll take a hot headed, opinionated, passionate, honest person over a shifty, line towing, career politician person. I've been listening to the flabbergasted press back peddle and try to explain how all the polls were so far off. Perhaps, like me, people kept their actual opinions close to the vest. Or, no one asked them...? Nobody asked me! =) I just listened to a black woman call out any Trump supporter as a racist. Wow, really? Now that's mighty gracious of you! True colors, yikes! I heard another man swear and proclaim that he would fight tooth and nail to protect people of color, disabilities, etc. Wow, I don't think that war on special interests is part of the agenda... but you go, buddy! You should be passionate about your cause! Illegal immigrants are scared, so become CITIZENS and pay taxes like everyone else. Is that too harsh? I don't think so. I look forward to the government being more supportive and efficient and not so inbred and entitled. God forbid we focus on our own internal issues and keep our money at home. I'm quite sure the world will keep spinning and all those countries we give $millions or $billions or $trillions to will grow up and figure out how to work it out. Let's teach them to fucking fish and stop feeding them!* Enough, already... BUT I want to point out that I have NEVER been inspired to open up politically (right or wrong) and take a stand or express my opinions until now. Thanks Trump! You GO! I'm bipartisan - I hope ALL the fucking idiots in DC smarten up and listen to the people's voice for a change! A Republican civil war... really!? OMG!? Good thing I don't listen to the press! *Parting thought: The country is bankrupt... THAT'S EMBARRASSING!... we can't keep spending money that we don't have regardless of how worthy the cause. If we want to be world wide philanthropists, we need to pay off our credit cards and make some money first so we can give it away. Hello! Comments are closed.
Laurie Anne McCauleyDid that make you feel better? Intro
I decided back in November 2015 to make my poetry available and journal online. I'm not exactly sure what "blogging" means but I am quite sure this is an online journal. Feel free to read on with an aire of open minded curiosity. At no time do I intend to offend, judge or pretend to know anything really, I'm just an observer and explorer, as we all are. Feel free to "boldly go" through my observations and perhaps it will spark or inspire. Comments are off because I don't want to be worried about political correctness when I'm writing. I'm not thinking about "you." I'm just writing because it feels "right". Feel free to enjoy or surf on. LA McCauley Archives
September 2023
Fibber McGee's closet!