I'm grateful that I didn't do the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage when the focus was to stop smoking. I may enjoy the journey relative to "If not food & exercise, then what?" as in what will I think about? I recently applied for a facilitator training program for The Center for Courage & Renewal. It's a year long program which includes two week-long trips, $5000 not including travel. I could spend that money on a trip to Spain and a solo walking journey. There would also be community and transformation. I would need to start preparations now. I would have to schedule the actual trip for a time after the Girl Scout project is complete. I don't think it would work to take a month off in the middle of that... or maybe it would. Who knows. Perhaps I can do both! Imagine that! I can participate in the facilitator training program this year and complete the pilgrimage next year. Discern - differentiate - judge - recognize - distinguish - discriminate Journey - a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; passage or progress from one stage to another Aware - having knowledge; conscious; cognizant: informed; alert; knowledgeable; sophisticated: Regarding the question from yesterday about what will I say to myself each day... what do I want to remind myself of? What could I do or say to remember to be blissful? Today I am amazed by the idea, the realization that I can choose to learn as my journey in this life. That's all. I can skip the rest and there is nothing wrong. I can live in the moment each moment and choose what makes me happy and inspired. I can get a grip and let go of all the expectations and self imposed judgements and shoulds and shouldn'ts. I choose to create something fun and profound, exciting and inspiring. I will be yanked back and pulled forward - brought to tears and get a stich in my side from laughing. I choose giddy bliss and solemn silent consideration. I have, already, a quotes canister. I collected quotes for years then printed them out and cut them into tiny slips. They sit folded and waiting, stuffed into a beatiful canister that sits on the kitchen counter. Today's quote: "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." Dr. Denis Waitley. I'm beginning to appreciate the beauty and art of thoughtful intentional repetition. Perhaps I can start off straight away by skipping my resentments around repetition? That would signal a milestone of my journey. Why not?! I say it and it is so! SKIP: passing from one point, thing, subject, etc., to another, disregarding or omitting any shit that intervenes: OR to go away hastily and secretly; flee without notice. SYNONYMS: caper, fly, dance, scamper, frisk, leap, bound, skedaddle, hippety-hop, gambol, prance, lope, scoot, flit, spring, skirr, hop, bob, skitter, glance, skim, bolt, leap... and there's more! What an AWESOME WORD!! It, obviously, continues to bespell me =) "There's nothing wrong so I'll just hippety-hop past that part!" Laurie McCauley 12-20-2016 Comments are closed.
Laurie Anne McCauleyDid that make you feel better? Intro
I decided back in November 2015 to make my poetry available and journal online. I'm not exactly sure what "blogging" means but I am quite sure this is an online journal. Feel free to read on with an aire of open minded curiosity. At no time do I intend to offend, judge or pretend to know anything really, I'm just an observer and explorer, as we all are. Feel free to "boldly go" through my observations and perhaps it will spark or inspire. Comments are off because I don't want to be worried about political correctness when I'm writing. I'm not thinking about "you." I'm just writing because it feels "right". Feel free to enjoy or surf on. LA McCauley Archives
September 2023
Fibber McGee's closet!